luxury Los Angeles condos for rentWhether you are offering luxury Los Angeles condos for rent or maybe a mansion or perhaps you are an individual who is looking for a rental property to move into, certain laws can protect your interests and prevent liabilities. Here are some key laws and requirements that you should be aware of:


1. Updated Tenant Screening Laws and No-Fault Eviction Notices

Due to one particular case, landlords in the state of California have to be careful while they are doing background checks on potential tenants during the screening process. Before running these, the landlord has to let the tenant know why they are doing it and give them copies of the checks if they need them. Additionally, you need to send the report to the tenant within three days of receiving them.

Additionally, they are only allowed to evict tenants if they break any of 14 designated rules and, in case of a no-fault eviction, the landlord has to assist in relocation efforts. This amount is based on whether the tenant is eligible or qualified, the length of the tenancy, and the household income.



2. Late Fees and Rent Rules

As per state laws on rent-related issues, landlords have to give tenants a 3-day notice before raising the rent or before the tenant has to move out or be evicted. Plus, the tenant has the right to sue the landlord, withhold/deduct rent, and even move out without notice if a landlord fails to maintain the property or take care of repairs.

Additionally, as per state law, the tenant has to be paid rent via online or electronic transfers and not cash. Landlords are also prohibited from demanding alternative methods of payment for the rent, security deposits or other servicing charges.


3. Deposit Receipts Are Not Required (But Recommended)

Even though California law does not require landlords to give a receipt for the security deposit, it is recommended so it can act as proof of the transaction. As such, the rental agreement should include the amount and location of the deposit, the purpose of the deposit, the interest rate the tenant will earn on it (if applicable), and the new location of the deposit if the landlord relocates it.

Pezzini Luxury Homes

Whether you are looking for luxury homes for lease in LA or search of specific tenants for your rental properties, look no further than Pezzini Luxury Homes. Find the best real estate in LA in and around the Hollywood Hills, the Sunset Strip, Laurel Canyon, Hidden Hills, Mount Olympus, Lake Hollywood, and more! We have helped hundreds of clients find properties to lease, rent out, and buy, and we can help you narrow down your choices as well. Give us a call for a consultation by dialing 1-310-275-2076.

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